Wednesday, January 21, 2015

SURVIVAL ... the start of the Third Marking Period

We are starting the third Marking Period of Academic Year 2015. We are going to talk about Survival. The topic of survival is in Unit VI of the book, Introduction to Navy JROTC which is part of the NJROTC curriculum. You should consider Survival as a part of your life skills. 

Enduring Learning Objective for this Survival Module: Each student-cadet develops an understanding of the concept of survival in a variety of situations and conditions so that they can survive themselves or assist others. Additionally, the goal is to develop the concept for prior planning and preparation and survival skill development ensuring their safety, security, and mental well being. 

Classroom Activity: Form into three groups and take about ten minutes to develop a group definition of the concept of survival without looking anything up.   Have one person write down the group definition. Following the group discussion, you will share the group definition with the entire class. The intent of this activity is to generate each person determining their start point on an understanding of what survival means

Here is a 8 minute video about the concepts of survival from an experienced outdoor guide. Like many people with some survival experience he has many opinions, some of them you might agree with and some perhaps not. The goal is you need to be the "eternal student" (vice self proclaimed expert) when it comes to developing your survival capability.   

This short video (3 minute) on the basic components of How to Survive. 

Final Comment: There is a tendency to think of survival in terms of big disasters such as surviving a plane crash or a tornado. But consider the following: 

  • What about your family's care breaking down at night in an unknown location? 
  • How about visiting your family in another country and you get lost in an urban environment? 
  • A simple hike in a national park where you get lost and the weather turns bad? 
  • What if there was a terrorist attack and you were separated from your loved ones? Dad is at work, mom is at home with your little sister, and you are away at college. How will you link up? What if there is spotty cell phone coverage and power is down? 
  • What if you were on vacation on an enormous lake and the motor broke down and you were miles away from anyone? Everyone is just wearing their bathing suits and there is poor cell phone coverage. Would would you do? 


  1. Period 2's Initial Group Definitions: Survival is: Learn To Help Yourself, Sustain Life in difficult conditions, dealing with hazards, different locations and occasions, adapt to your surroundings, problem solving.

  2. Period 4 Group feedback: Do what you have to do, stay calm, aware of your surrounding, build a defense, first aid, improvising the use of a variety of things, stay alive, Know your "Bio" , Decision-making, overcome obstacles, return to normal or the new normal.

  3. Period 6 Group feedback: Remain alive, tools around you, set of skills, complete tasks, overcome obstacles, sustain yourself. start fire, build shelter
