Sunday, December 8, 2013

Learning to Write Code (Computer Programming)

I went to a teacher conference at the end of last week and they talked about an area that is key to innovation, and it is called Coding. This area is becoming a lost art. How does one program a computer to do something or solve a problem. Coding. It is about computational thinking, how to see problems and then how to solve or fix problems using technology. It is an area where many future jobs will be available in every field. Lets take a look at this...

There is this campaign sponsored by Computer Science Ed Week, called an Hour of Code, it runs from Dec 9 to Dec 15 so lets take a look.

Location of the Web-sight for the Tutorials: Click on Link below

Coding Tutorials

Homework Assignment
1. Determine Where you will do your Hour of Code? What computer & location will you be using?

2. Which Tutorial will you watch from the above Link?

3. Go to the Website and do the Hour of Code! It is okay if you program with a pair as a team, just let me know. 

4. You need to answer the top three questions by Tuesday (Close of Day on Dec 10th) by making a blog entry with your class period and first name & name of partner if you are pair programming.   


  1. Here is a link to some free Apps for those of you who want to know more about Coding:

  2. Fequiere
    per. 6

    ill be using the computer in the ROTC room at school during my 8th period study hall. I'm doing the tutorial to build an iphone game in your browser

  3. Young
    Period 2
    For the Hour of Code, I'm going to use my laptop at home. I will be using the tutorial on making a 3D frog game.

  4. Harrison & Q-H as my partner
    Per. 7
    I'll be using my computer at home and i will be doing the CodeCombat and maybe a more challenging one depending on the difficulty of that tutorial.

    1. Good to go, let me know how it works out. I have the copy of the pass for you and Q-H.

  5. Martinez
    Period 2
    I'll be using my computer at home and I will be doing the tutorials that teach java script and if I finish early ill move on to the more challenging tutorials.

    1. Good stuff Kevin, it is always good to get in the habit of pushing yourself when it comes to learning.

  6. Brendan
    Per. 4
    Working solo
    Home computer
    Tutorial I will be using is how to create a holiday card

  7. Dhruvil
    Period 4
    Working by myself
    At my house on my laptop
    I'll be using the Light Bot tutorial

    1. Give me feedback afterwards, interested in what you think of this project.

  8. Veliz
    period 7
    I will be working by myself
    i'll be using my laptop at home
    tutorial: Write your first computer program

    1. Good, make sure you push yourself. It that tutorial is easy, move on to the next one.

  9. Sanchez with Vacas as my partner
    Period 6
    We'll do our coding in the library preferably in the lab there, that is, if we can get the right permission for Thursday during 7th period study hall (and 6th period if necessary)
    we'll do code combat and, if time permits, learn some of the python programing language

  10. Hernandez (working alone)
    Period: 7
    I will be using my study hall classes, iPad, computer at home, and after school (if I can).
    Tutorial: Write your first computer program. And when finished on to more challenging.

  11. Folston (working alone)
    Period: 4
    I will be using my chromebook laptop computer at school in my second period study hall. And i will be trying the angry birds and the combat coding.

    1. Justin, you have a natural interest in computers I think you will get a lot out of this. You may want to take all of the tutorials as you will learn something from each.

  12. Montagna (working alone)
    Period 4
    I will be using a computer at school and i will be doing tha angry birds

  13. Rebekah Estrada
    Period 4
    I will use my laptop from home where I will do my hour of code.
    I am doing the angry birds tutorial.

  14. Johanna Arias
    Period 4
    Home Computer
    Angry birds one and a couple other

  15. Kason Sumpter
    Period 7
    Can i use the ROTC computer 7th(your class) and 8th period
    Angry Bird

  16. Josue Armas
    Period 2
    Home computer
    Angry birds

  17. Keily Calderon
    period 2
    Home computer
    When I did this assignment at home I had developed the learning skills by playing A Taste of Python Programming and Light Bot. One program (A Taste of Python Programming) allowed the person learning to give the computer a specific code in order to continue its
