Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Round Robin Peer Inspection (Wednesday)

Background. You may not realize it, no matter what you are doing (personal or professional) and no matter where (work, rest, or play) you are the people around you are evaluating (inspecting) you. Especially during professional activities how you look, act, and speak has a direct reflection on your professional reputation. 
Wednesday is our designated uniform day. We have had the NSIs inspect you, cadet chain of command and class leaders inspect you in the past. You have been inspected, but now it is time for YOU to inspect others in the path of learning how to lead others. Take the task seriously if you want to be taken seriously. You have to "know your stuff" to be squared away and maintain a positive professional reputation. when you inspect. Remember, as the inspecting officer YOU are also being visibly being "inspected" by the person you are inspecting. 

Class Activity:   
1. I will pair you up into two person teams. Consistent with the entire year's focus on inspections, there are three major areas you are inspecting: Appearance, Bearing, and Knowledge.
2. You will take turns inspecting the other cadet once complete. So each of you will inspect the other cadet, then I will say switch and the cadet closest to the room clock will rotate to their right. This way we will continually rotate the pairing of students and you will inspect a larger number of cadets.  
3. Before the end of the period, we will have a class discussion on the trends (positive and negative) you observed.  

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