In House, we talked about the concept of See Something, Hear Something, Say Something. It is a bias for being aware and concerned about each other's safety, security, and general well being. Most of the negative issues we have in the variety of interpersonal relationships we participate in revolves around the concept of respect. Respect defines how we treat one another in either a positive or negative fashion. Ideally, respect is a two way street where we give respect to others and receive respect back. However, this is not always the case. As we view our personal relationships and professional relationships the concept of RESPECT is critical to the success of those relationships.
From our JROTC curriculum, we will view the video: REAL LIFE: SEXUAL HARASSMENT IN SCHOOLS which is 24 minutes long.
Preventing sexual harassment is about realizing how disrespect in the form of inappropriate touching, communication, or pressured compliance can make someone not only feel uncomfortable but it can have negative legal consequences for the harasser.

Some Points To Remember:
- It is HOW YOU FEEL that is what is important if you feel you or someone else is being sexually harassed. Harassment is in the eye or ear of the receiving party.
- The first step is telling the person what they are doing or saying is inappropriate and they need to stop. It is strongly recommended you tell someone else you trust what happened.
- Touching is not appropriate in any circumstance. It is always a violation of school policy or business rules.
- Forced compliance, pressure, or veiled threats (even presented as a joke) are wrong
- Immaturity by others often demonstrates itself as disrespectful disregard for others feelings or beliefs. Immaturity (I was just trying to be funny) is no excuse for harassment of any kind.
- Social media adds complexity to this issue because respect is still a concept even in the online world.
- Bystanders who are silent to what harassment they observe become complicit in the harassment by their inaction. This includes others downplaying HOW YOU FEEL if you think something is inappropriate.
- "Why are you making such a big deal? They were just kidding? He or she likes you probably?"
- As a witness to harassment you have an obligation to do something or say something. SEE SOMETHING, HEAR SOMETHING, SAY SOMETHING. Throw someone a Life Preserver, because someday you may need someone to throw one to help you out.
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