Thursday, November 10, 2016

President Elect Trump and the Peaceful Transition of Power - Hallmark of Democracy

We have been studying the Presidential Election for 2016, and it is finally over. The votes are in and the American people through the electoral process elected Donald Trump as the 45th President of the United States. 

Class Room Task
1. View each video and then discuss the content of the video.
2.  After you watch all of the videos break up into small groups. Pretend each group is part of the Trump Transition team, and develop some key transition focus points (areas of focus: Diplomatic, Domestic, Information, Legal and Justice, Military, and Economic) for President Trump to successfully take over power.   

Now, Lets look at how this this transition will take place. 

Lets take a look at Hillary Clinton's Concession speech.

Here is President Elect Trump's acceptance speech.

The present President needs to recognize the President Elect as his replacement regardless of the political differences. Here is what President Obama said about candidate Donald Trump during the campaign. 

For background, remember when Trump attended the White  House Correspondent's Dinner in 2015. It was believed that President Obama humiliated Donald Trump so much he chose to run for President. Imagine the irony when President Elect Trump and takes over the country from President Obama....?

Important for President Obama to publicly and positively to accept the newly elected President.

Trump Impact on World Order?

Impact on Supreme Court

Analyze each and synthesize your transition focus points for Trump Team.

Good Luck,

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Period 2 on November 2: Uniform Day and Debate Prep


I will not be in class for Block Two today but here is plan of the Day for your class period:

1. Accountability for Uniform Wear by each Cadet. Teacher will take By Name review of who has their uniform and who does not, regardless of excuses.

2. Watching Presidential Debate Highlights. Watch these debate highlights. our debate is more structured and is not as "Question and Answer" as the Presidential Debates. Here are the highlights from the First, Second, and Third Presidential Debates. Each is 34 minutes long. Take notes of what debating techniques each candidate uses AND do thy personally attack each other or talk about the issues.

3.  Drill Knock Out. In the back of the classroom. Can you lead yourselves or do you need an adult to monitor you to accomplish this...?

4. Your Own Debate Prep. Make sure you load all of your individual debate data on your teams Google Doc. Next class period you will rehearse your Debate portion as a team, checking on the time,quality of speaking parts, and evidence or facts included in YOUR portion of the debate.